Dịch vụ của chúng tôi

Về chúng tôi

Despite growth of the Internet over the past seven years, the use of toll-free phone numbers in television advertising continues to grow, indicating that the telephone remains.

The 2005 Toll-free Numbers in Television Advertising study, commissioned by 800response, concluded that 35 percent .of all television commercials feature phone numbers, and 82 percent of those phone numbers are toll-free. Furthermore 74 percent of the toll-free numbers

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Công ty TNHH Thương mại Quốc tế Vinh Gia

Địa chỉ kho:

HN: Phạm Văn Bạch, Cầu Giấy

HCM: 37/6 Nguyễn Minh Hoàng, Tân Bình

SDT Kho: 094.728.2007 (lấy hàng)

Kho: 098.631.0202 (lấy hàng)
